In the very competitive retail industry, a poor customer experience could spell doom for your company. Because of online buying and the emergence of an “instant world,” clients now want a fast response, failing which they will move on to the next merchant. With that in mind, this blog entails some useful benefits of a retail call center and new trends for the retail & ecommerce sector. But first, let’s see… What Is the Retail Industry? All businesses that offer […]
Certainly, the main goal of a live chat agent is to help the customer. Assistance might be needed with various things: placing an order; setting up, fixing or replacing a product, scheduling an appointment, etc. Something extra to gain here is customer satisfaction. Lightning quick service with a friendly approach, sense of humor and a little surprise (like an upgrade on delivery, discount for future orders, better deal) will turn the chat into a memorable experience and will make the […]
The challenge many brands face is successfully creating emotional connections, and not just in their campaigns. Yes, emotional connections are a powerful thing, but only when they work. When customers detect insincerity, or efforts just miss the mark, things can go badly. When customers sense that a brand is faking it, it’s repelling to them. The key is forging genuine, lasting emotional connections with your customers. These connections can make a huge difference when it comes to earning repeat business, […]
The great strength of customer relationship management software is that it can present an integrated and holistic view of the customer. It collects all the information on each contactee and activity in one place and can display it in a single, easy to read view. This obviously allows for much more sophisticated marketing communications and it is invaluable in sales force automation. However, beyond that, CRM systems can make a major improvement in the automation, management and information reporting and […]
Every company’s success depends on understanding customers’ desires. In our modern era of big data and artificial intelligence, it may seem that technology holds the key to determining the best ways to engage customers. However, while these tools offer compelling statistics about behaviors and preferences, they do not necessarily provide a global view of how customers feel. Just as customers report greater satisfaction when service has a human touch, companies gain greater insight when they engage with customers personally. Here […]
With some of the latest contact center tech talk focused on chatbots and eliminating the need for human agents, it might seem strange to think about automation and employee engagement going hand in hand (and thank goodness because I would much prefer to resolve issues with a friendly human versus a robot). Workforce efficiency and employee engagement are key to meeting the increasingly complex and dynamic nature of the contact center. Leveraging advanced automation to address these issues is at […]